Examples of REGULUS-system radiators
Classic wall-mounted radiator with oval casing. High efficiency at low flow temperatures. Our hit for 20 years!
Heater with built-in fan. The fan increases the power by up to 30% compared to a classic radiator.
The floor-standing radiator, low but with plenty of power. This is ideal for places where it is not possible to hang a traditional heater.
A high-powered trench radiator with a built-in fan. The depth of the whole set is only 10cm.
Available versions of the finish of wall and free-standing radiators
PLAN version
Pool version
Knowledge base
Technical documentation
Technical data and catalogues
REGULUS-system is a Polish radiator manufacturer
operating in the heating technology market since 2000.
We are manufacturer of copper-aluminum water central heating radiators: wall-mounted, decorative and trench heaters. Low temperature radiators.
REGULUS®-system is a brand recognized, appreciated and awarded many times.

![stamp_REGULUS_[strefa_komfortu_cieplnego]_V1_FIN_EN Zone of thermal comfort](https://regulussystem.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/stamp_REGULUS_strefa_komfortu_cieplnego_V1_FIN_EN.png)
Colourful radiators

When working on furnishing the interior, you should treat the heater like any other element of decor and match its colour to the climate of the room. A heater can therefore be almost invisible or, on the contrary, very visible.
What colours are available?
⇒ The RAL K7 palette, consisting of more than 200 colours, is a model! ⇐
In our REGULUS®-system offer all radiators in coloured versions are available at list price, without any surcharge.
We also recommend radiators painted in metallic and structure paints.

Pracując nad wyposażeniem wnętrza, powinno się potraktować grzejnik tak jak każdy element wystroju
i dopasować jego kolor do klimatu pomieszczenia. Grzejnik może więc być niemal niewidoczny
lub wręcz przeciwnie bardzo widoczny. Jakie kolory grzejników są do wyboru?
Wzorcem jest paleta RAL K7, licząca ponad 200 barw!
W ofercie REGULUS®-system wszystkie grzejniki w wykonaniu kolorowym dostępne są w cenie katalogowej, bez dopłaty. Polecamy również grzejniki malowane farbami
metalicznymi oraz strukturalnymi